Big Lake State Park, Missouri

This ride was planned on relatively short notice. I’d been to White Cloud, Kansas in June of this year (see blog entry) when the Missouri river was out of its banks flooding the town and nearby countryside. I wanted to return to see White Cloud when it was not flooded. In June I also noticed that there was a scenic outlook in White Cloud that we did not see. We decided to return to check it out.

Chris did some internet searching for dining options in the area. She found a restaurant at Big Lake State Park just across the river from Rulo, Nebraska in Missouri. We decided to give it a try. We now had a plan for a ride. We were fortunate that our friends, Gary, Bill, and Jamie were able to go with us.

We left Shawnee at about 7:30 AM on Sunday, August 31, 2008 traveling north on Interstate 435. It was a nice cool 70 degrees. We exited at Highway 5 and rode north and west to Leavenworth, Kansas. This portion of Highway 5 is designated as a scenic byway. In Leavenworth we turned north on Highway 7.

Some in our group were hungry as they had no breakfast before leaving home. There is a small restaurant on Highway 7 in Leavenworth called Homer’s. I’d wanted to try it out for some time because I had a good friend named Homer who died in 2005. We stopped for a quick breakfast. The food was ok but smoking was allowed and numerous diners were doing just that. Unless you like to smoke or you love second hand smoke I would not recommend this restaurant.

We continued north on Highway 7 through Leavenworth and Atchison to White Cloud, Kansas. It was a pretty ride. In White Cloud I took photos of areas that were flooded in June.

Today, August 31, 2008:

June 14, 2008:

Today, August 31, 2008:
June 14, 2008:
We also rode to the scenic outlook where we viewed beautiful vistas of the surrounding country. They advertised being able to see four states. I’m sure we could see Kansas (we were standing in Kansas), Missouri (right across the Missouri River), and Nebraska (a short distance north). Iowa, however, was about 40 miles to the north. I’m not sure we could see that far, but maybe we could.

In the parking lot Jamie noticed something very unusual. She found a spot on her and Bill’s Wing where the wax had not been rubbed off. An historic event! Bill was quick to rub it off before I could obtain photographic proof.

Our ride continued north on Highway 7. We intended to take it all the way to Rulo, Nebraska. Shortly after we entered Nebraska, however, we encountered a road closed sign. We had to take a detour; Thrasher Road west, 330th north, and 660th Blvd. north and east to Rulo where it turned into Commercial Street. At Rulo, Nebraska we picked up Highway 159 east. We crossed the Missouri River into Missouri and at Highway 111 we turned north and rode a short distance to Big Lake State Park.

We had a nice buffet lunch at the dining hall at Big Lake State Park. When we returned to the parking lot there were an elderly woman (Faye), her brother, and his son looking at our motorcycles. The woman expressed admiration of the fine machines (demonstrating excellent taste). Jamie offered her a ride, which she accepted. Her brother informed us that she was 95 years old. What a gamer! Bill took her on a short ride and she really seemed to enjoy it.

Our trip continued south and east on Highway 111 to 59 south, to Interstate 29 south, and Interstate 229 south through St. Joseph, Missouri. We exited Interstate 229 on Highway 59 south. At the south end of St. Joe we stopped for gas and a short break. It was starting to warm up and the humidity was rising. We rode south on Highway 59 to Highway 45 south, to Interstate 435 south into Shawnee.

We arrived home at about 2:30 and it was 88 degrees. We traveled 230 miles.

Another great ride with a wonderful wife and great friends. What a life!

To view all photos from this ride click on the following link:


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