Florida Trip; Day 11

A beautiful, sunny and warm day! After our B&B breakfast we rode away on our golf cart at 9:45 AM. It was 51 degrees. We spent an hour or so exploring Cedar Key again and Chris did a little shopping on Dock Street.

Morning is low tide. It was strange seeing boats sitting in the mud at the marina.

This next picture is of the marina at high tide.

At noon we had to return the golf cart and then we walked to lunch at Tony's.

After lunch we walked the Railroad Trestle Nature Trail.

We went to the Cedar Key Scrub State Park to walk but found it uninteresting so we didn't go far.  Back at the B&B we watched a movie and then watched the sun set.

We drove a whopping 13 miles today (not counting miles in the golf cart) and our high temperature was 68. A very relaxing day! Tomorrow we start home.

Click here to see all photos from today - Day 11 Photos 


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