Florida Trip; Day 9

Due to the Chiefs vs Steelers game last night our bedtime was much later than usual. We slept in a little longer this morning and then we went on a walk with Tom & Joyce. At ten minutes after noon we thanked Tom and Joyce for their hospitality, said goodbye and took off for Cedar Key, FL. It was partly cloudy and 65 degrees. Our route was I-75 north; I-275 west and north through St. Petersburg to Tampa; 589 north; 98 north to Otter Creek and 24 southwest to Cedar Key.

I had a minor heart attack when we stopped for a bathroom break at a convenience store, bought some peanuts and realized my credit card was NOT in my wallet. The last time I used it was the day before at a restaurant in Lakewood Ranch, FL. I called them and eventually learned that they had my card. I called Tom and he was kind enough to pick up my card from the restaurant and he'll mail it home for me.

In Homosassa Springs we ate a late lunch at Two Guys From Italy. At 4:25 we arrived at the bed and breakfast in Cedar Key where we would spend three nights. It was 57 degrees and mostly sunny.

Our route today covered 182 miles.

Click here to see all photos from today - Day 9 Pics


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