Florida Trip; Day 12

We got a late start today because we wanted to take advantage of the B&B breakfast. It was worth it. Yesterday afternoon, while driving around Cedar Key for a few miles we had the top down on our convertible. Today we started with it down at 9:30AM. It was sunny and 58 degrees, soon to rise into the 60's and eventually to 70.

 Our route today was 24 north and east away from Cedar Key; 345 north; 98 north and west to near Wakula, FL; 20 west to Bountstown, FL; 71 north; I-10 west to exit 130; 231 north to the area of Montgomery, AL.

Along the way we stopped at a park where the highway (98) crosses the Suwannee River at Fanning Springs, FL.

We were really enjoying the top-down driving but at Wakula, FL the temperature had dropped to 64 and it was cloudy making it a bit cool so we stopped to put the top up. Good thing, because a short time later it started to rain. It was raining steady when we stopped for lunch at Lindy's Fried Chicken in Blountstown, FL around 12:30 (back in the central time zone). The photo below was taken from inside because I didn't want to go outside and get wet. The food was good and we had leftovers for our evening meal/snack.

Our plans had been to visit the Florida Caverns State Park near Marianna, FL, where there were hiking trails. Due to the rain we envisioned soggy muddy trails so we drove on by.

As we neared Montgomery Chris noticed numerous trees with mistletoe in them. She took this photo with her phone through the windshield while we were driving down the road. She said we traded Spanish moss covered trees for mistletoe covered trees.

It rained most all the way to Montgomery, AL. It was misting and 41 degrees when we arrived at our hotel. We drove 359 miles today.

Click here to see all eight photos taken today: Day 7 Photos


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