Florida Trip; Day 13

It got cold last night. Way to cold for Montgomery, AL. When we woke up this morning it was 32 degrees.  It climbed to 34 when we left our hotel. As we proceeded down the highway the temperature actually dropped and our high today was 37. I always thought it was warm in the south.

The route for today was I-65 south to exit 158; 26 west to Hayneville; 21 west (or south?); 28 west to Camden; 10 west into Mississippi where it became 19 west; I-20 west at Meridian to exit 77; 13 north to Roosevelt State Park; I-20 west to Vicksburg, MS, where we stopped for the day.

In Hayneville, AL there was a big white courthouse called the John "Big John" Williams Courthouse. Sounds like a southern name.

 Camden, AL had a very colorful, informative and picturesque water tower.

On this trip we've seen lots of log hauling trucks, especially in north Florida. On our route through Alabama today they were especially thick.

Chili's was our lunch spot today in Meridian, MS before hammering west on the interstate. East of Jackson, MS, near Morton, we stopped at Roosevelt State Park for some hiking. It was a balmy 35 degrees.

In Jackson, MS we stopped to see the state capitol and the old state capitol. As you can see, we finally saw some blue sky.

At 3:40PM we landed in Vicksburg, MS having driven 310 miles. Despite the cold it was a good day. And I shouldn't complain because I realize it was much colder back home.

Click here to see all photos taken today - Day 13 Pics


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