Fall Foliage Ride 2009; Day 3; Saturday, 10/18/09

Before I comment on today I feel compelled to comment on our lodging last night. While it was very nice to have a motel so near the restaurant where we ate dinner, the 1876 Inn (http://www.1876inn.com/) was not good. It was relatively inexpensive but even at that it was not worth what we paid. My bed had a big ole brown stain of suspicious origin on the bedspread. The bed had no blanket so if you needed more than a sheet you had to use the bedspread . . . NASTY! The fitted sheet, which would not stay on, had grease stains on it. The counter and sink were about thigh height. (It was a good height for Wild Bill but not for me.) There was mold around the sink faucet and on the shower tiles. The shower itself had good pressure but the nozzle was about tit high. (Again – good for Bill but not me.) The pillows were like rags. I would not recommend this motel for future stays.

When we went outside in the morning it was quickly obvious that it was colder this morning than either of the past two. Moisture on the motorcycle cover was frozen. There was frost on the wood deck outside our room. The temperature indicator on my motorcycle said it was 32 degrees. The sky was clear, however, so we anticipated quick warming.

It was still 32 when we departed for Myrtie Mae’s Restaurant for breakfast at 8:00. It was 39 when we left Myrtie Mae’s at 9:00. Rod and Maureen parted company with us after breakfast. They had business in the Rogers, AR area and we were headed north.

We rode north out of Eureka Springs on Hwy 23 and stopped for gas at Holiday Island, AR just a few miles up the road. Hwy 23 took us north to Hwy 86 east to Hwy 39 north. We stopped in Aurora, MO for a bathroom break at McDonalds. Some time was spent here inspecting the fit of the lid of Big Bill’s trailer so Judy and Marge took advantage and rested on the concrete and soaked up some sun.

We continued north on 39 through Stockton, MO to county road N where we rode east to Hwy 13 and then north to Collins, MO. We partook of a tasty lunch at Peggy’s Restaurant. Gary then allowed Carl and me to take a short test ride on his motorcycle with the recently installed car tire on the rear wheel. No problem!

Hwy 13 took us north about 20 miles to a gas station at Lowry City where we stopped for fuel. We then road north on 13 to Clinton, MO where we caught Hwy 7 west to Harrisonville, MO and Hwy 71 north to the Kansas City area and home. I arrived home a little before 5:00.

Although the day started off cold it did warm quickly for a high of 63. We had blue clear skies all day long. It was great. We rode 270 miles today to conclude a fun trip. Our total trip mileage was 870 miles.

For pictures from today and the rest of the trip click on the following link: http://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/FallFoliageRide2009?feat=directlink


Frank Bryant said…
The hotel experience sounded special. Terri will tell you of a similar experience at the Jesse James motel in Branson, Mo several years ago. It is no longer there and for good reasons. I think we have eaten at Peggy's too on a trip home from Memphis. Don;t they sell broasted chicken?

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