Labor Day Weekend Ride

On fairly short notice Gary and I decided to organize a ride over Labor Day weekend.  Good friends, Bill and Jamie, were able to join us so we had three couples.

We took advantage of the fact that most of us were retired and left early afternoon on Friday, September 3rd.  We departed from Judy’s home at 1:45 pm.  The weather was absolutely perfect; 77 degrees under blue clear skies.  Not a cloud in sight.

We rode east on Hwy 50 to Sedalia and south on Hwy 65 to Cole Camp, where we stopped for gas.DSCN2176

 DSCN2178(Jamie & Bill)

 DSCN2179(Judy & Gary)

After refueling and taking a butt break we rode east on Hwy 52 to Stover, southeast on Hwy 135, south on Hwy 5 through Lake of the Ozarks, and south on Hwy 7.

South of Richland, MO, between Richland and I-44, we turned east onto a gravel road that took us to The Cave Restaurant and Resort (formerly Caveman BBQ).

We waited at the parking area for transport to the restaurant.  While waiting, Chris wondered what time it got dark.  Gary was sure it was at 8:15.  Chris was sure it was at 7:50 and they made a bet. DSCN2183              (Jamie, Bill, Charlie, Chris, Judy, Gary)

We were very pleasantly surprised by the food at the restaurant.  It was much better than that offered by the former Caveman BBQ.  The meal was surpassed only by the company.DSCN2194

After dinner it was very near dark.  We left the parking lot around 7:45 pm.  We rode south on Hwy 7 to I-44.  When we were entering I-44 eastbound at 8:00 pm it was clearly “dark” by almost anybody’s definition.  Gary eventually conceded that Chris won.

We stopped for the night at the Best Western Coachlight in Rolla, MO after 248 miles of riding.

Saturday, September 4th, was another beautiful day.  When we departed Rolla at 8:10 am it was 54 under blue clear skies with no clouds or wind.

We rode south on Hwy 72 to Salem, MO, where we stopped at Walmart for some necessary shopping and then for gas.  Hwys 32 and 49 took us south of Black, MO where we went east on County Road N.  Our destination was Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park.

The park was much nicer than it was during our last visit many years ago.  It had been redone after a major flood resulting from a dam breaking upstream.  It even had a nice new visitor’s center.  We had a good time climbing around on the rocks and taking pictures.DSCN2264

From Johnson’s Shut-Ins we rode to Taum Sauk Mountain State Park, the highest point in Missouri.  I made a map reading error and after a failed attempt to find the park on County Road AA we found it on County Road CC.  Had we been on the Spring ride it would have been chicken worthy.   After a look at the viewDSCN2281 we rode south on Hwy 21 to Elllington, MO.

We had a late lunch at Hall’s Restaurant in Ellington where we enjoyed a larrapin good ranch burger.  If you’ve read prior blog entries you might remember that we’ve eaten here numerous time before.  It is a good place to stop.DSCN2290 After lunch we rode west to Eminence, MO and then south to Thayer, MO.  In Thayer we stopped at McDonalds for a forty-nine cent ice cream cone (we are on fixed incomes)  and an opportunity to study the  map.

We stopped for the night in Mountain Home, AR after  325 miles of riding.  Early in the day my motorcycle turned over 90,000 miles!  We stayed in the Executive Inn.DSCN2291   We were very happy to learn that evening from our son, Bryan,  that the K-State Wildcats beat the UCLA Bruins in their first football game of the season.  Go WILDCATS!

On Sunday, September 5th, we departed Mountain Home at 8:00 am.  Another BEAUTIFUL day!  It was 59 under blue clear skies.

We motored south, crossed the White River, and stopped for breakfast at the Angler’s Restaurant at the junction of Hwys 5 and 9.

After breakfast it was a short jaunt west on 14 to Blanchard Springs Caverns where we enjoyed a cave tour and a stop at Blanchard Springs.DSCN2338

From Blanchard Springs we rode south to Clinton, AR and west on Hwy 16.  We stopped by the Pleasant Grove cemetery just west of Rupert, AR for a picnic lunch.  Gary picked this location because he saw what he thought were picnic tables.  They weren’t - and we couldn’t figure out exactly what they were – maybe a location for animal sacrifice? DSCN2347

As we rode west on Hwy 16 we were running low on gas.  Gary, our intrepid leader, bypassed an open gas station at Witts Springs, AR because he was certain there was gas at Deer, AR.  Ends up there was a gas station at Deer but it was closed.  As we were deciding on where to go for gas the owners showed up on their ATV’s for gas.  They were kind enough to turn on the pump for us.  Problem solved.  Before the owners arrived we spoke to a couple different locals, one a Harley rider who Jamie flagged down.  They were very friendly and helpful folks.DSCN2348

We stopped for the night at the Best Western Eureka Inn at Eureka Springs, AR.  It was a nice motel.  We enjoyed the hot tub, swimming, and visiting around the pool.  Pizza delivery was our dinner.  Gary demonstrated his skills at talking and putting on a sleeveless shirt simultaneously.  He needs practice!  It was a great day.  We rode 267 miles.

After a larrapin complimentary hot breakfast buffet we took off from Eureka Springs at 8:55 am on Monday, September 6th.  It was warmer today, 72, and a little windy.  It got much more windy as the day progressed.

We rode through the community of Holiday Island, AR, stopped for gas, and shopping for the ladies’ at Fred’s.

We rode Hwy 39 and county roads north to Clinton, MO where we had a late lunch at the El Camino Real Mexican restaurant.  After lunch we rode west to Hwy 69 in Kansas.  The wind from the south was brutal.

We had our final gas stop in Louisburg, KS, said our good-byes and rode on home.  Chris and I arrived home around 5:30 pm.  Today we rode 300 miles.

It was a great trip covering 1,140 miles with great friends.

For more trip pictures click on the following link:


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