Texas 2011; January 6th and 7th

Chris and I left Shawnee on January 6th at about 9:00 am.  We were headed for South Padre Island to visit with our friends Ron & Terry and then to Rosenberg to visit with brother Don and his family but we were going to do some sight-seeing along the way.  We drove to Burleson, TX with a stop at the University of North Texas in Denton, TX , where we took a walk around campus to get the blood circulating.  The Best Western Inn & Suites in Burleson provided our lodging for the night.

On January 7th we departed Burleson on Hwy 174 south to Hwy 67 south to Hwy 220 south to 281 south.  No interstate driving today.  Along the way we stopped to photograph a couple ranch entrances.ranch entrance off of Hwy 291 south of Evant, TXChris is trying to figure out what kind of entrance she wants for her ranch!?!?!?!

We arrived in Marble Falls, TX in time for lunch.  We ate at a Chili’s with a great view of Lake Marble Falls.  After checking in at the Marble Falls Best Western we were off to Inks Lake State Park where we took a 3+ mile nature walk over some rough terrain and elevation change.  Brother, Carl, would have enjoyed it immensely!?Inks Lake State Park

We had supper out of our cooler back at the motel and then watched some of the Cotton Bowl before nodding off to sleep.

The weather today was a nice change from back home.  It was beautiful.  Sunny with a high in the low 70’s.  A motorcycle would be great here but getting out of and back into Kansas would be dicey at best.

Our new Nikon Coolpix camera (a Christmas gift from son, Bryan) worked great.  For more pictures of today click on the following link: http://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/Texas1711IncludingInksLakeStatePark?feat=directlink


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