Chicken Ride 2011


Friday, May 6th

The lucky participants of the Chicken Ride 2011 met at the Quik Trip at the intersection of Hwys 150 and 71 in Grandview, MO at 8:00 am on May 6th.  It was in the upper 40’s under blue clear skies.Friday morning rendezvous; QT, 150 Hwy & S 71 Hwy, Grandview, MOWe were looking forward to a great weekend of riding and avoidance of the chicken (awarded to those who screw something up).  Our group included 6 Goldwings, 4 Harley Davidsons, 1 BMW, and 1 Yamaha, which was exactly the same model distribution as we had in the 2010 Chicken Ride.

Rod started with the Chicken this year because he is the one who had it at the end of last year’s ride.

We rode south on 71, stopped for our usual breakfast at B-J’s Restaurant in Archie, MO and then continued south on 71 and south on 59 to Neosho, MO, where we stopped for gas.  The riding on Hwy 59 was enjoyable with decent scenery.  Part of the route ran along a rock bluff.Hwy 59 southbound, Missouri

Hwy 59 took us into Arkansas, where we took Hwy 412 west into Oklahoma and then Hwy 59 south.  We had lunch at a modest looking cafĂ© in Stilwell, OK.  Continuing south on 59 we soon saw the hills we’d be riding on.Hwy 59 southbound; Oklahoma

We gassed up in Panama, OK and continued south.  Hwy 271 south took us to Hwy 1 east onto the Talimena National Scenic Byway.  This was a beautiful ride along a ridge into Arkansas.Talimena Scenic Byway

We stopped at the Queen Wilhelmena Lodge located in Arkansas along the Talimena Scenic Byway.  The lodge only had 5 rooms available and we needed 6 so we rode into Mena, AR and holed up at the Sun Country Inn.  We had supper at the Mexican restaurant across the street.

Before settling in for the night one person in our group played a prank on Rod by pouring a puddle of oil under Rod’s HD.  Rod recently had his bike in for repair so he would, naturally, be worried about another oil leak.  Rod already turned in for the night so we’d get his reaction the next morning.

We rode 420 miles today and the weather was fantastic.  The high temperature  was in the low 80’s.

Saturday, May 7th

Rod discovered the puddle of oil under his motorcycle.  He was worried.  He laid on the ground and started to check things out.  Before he got too upset he was told the whole thing was a prank.  What are friends for?

We had breakfast at Grumpy’s CafĂ© in Mena before departing south and east on Hwy 8.  It was 68 degrees with more blue clear skies.

After refueling in Glenwood, AR we rode north and east on Hwy 70 into Hot Springs, AR.  We rode past and through Hot Springs National Park but we never stopped and no photographs were taken.  It appeared to be mainly a row of bath houses.

North of Hot Springs along Hwy 7 we saw some obvious tornado damage to structures along the highway.   No stop – no pictures.

We took a break at a roadside park along Hwy 7 just south of Ola, AR.roadside park along Hwy 7 south of Ola, ARThe ride from Hot Springs to Ola was beautiful.

At Ola we took Hwy 10 west and at Havana we took Hwy 309 north to Magazine Mountain, the highest point in Arkansas.  We had lunch at The Lodge at Magazine Mountain.  The views from the lodge and the scenic pull-outs on Magazine Mountain were great.  There were many motorcyclists taking advantage of the weather and scenery here.

Hwy 309 took us north and west to Hwy 23 north.  Part of Hwy 23 is called the Pig Trail and this is some great motorcycle riding.southern end of the Pig Trail; Hwy 23

We turned back east on Hwy 16 and rode to Hwy 7 north to a scenic overlook just south of Jasper, AR.  A GREAT view of the Grand Canyon of Arkansas!view of the Grand Canyon of Arkansas south of Jasper, AR

We continued north on Hwy 7 to Harrison and then turned west on Hwy 62.  At Berryville we stopped for ice cream at a Sonic (no Dairy Queen available).

We rode on into Eureka Springs where we stopped for the night at the Joy Motel.Eureka Springs, AR

Chuck unintentionally left his jacket in the motel lobby when he went to his room.  Rod was looking for any good excuse to pass the Chicken on to someone else . . . . . . so for this minor transgression Chuck received the Chicken.passing of the Chicken - from Rod (right) to Chuck 

Our normal practice is, at the end of a day of riding, to sit around, shoot the B.S., and imbibe in adult beverages if desired.  Tonight we had pizza also.Joy Motel; Eureka Springs, AR  While Chuck was moving a metal lawn chair he accidentally bumped the front fender of Larry’s pristine red Goldwing leaving a minor scrape.  If he didn’t already have the Chicken this would have earned Chuck the Chicken.  Larry complained extensively and Chuck felt very bad.  Later, one of Larry’s riding friends identified the “boo-boo” on Larry’s front fender by placing a band aide there.  It’s nice to have sensitive and caring on Larry's motorcycle

Today was a great day of riding.  Interesting roads, beautiful scenery, and exceptional weather.  The high temperature was in the mid 80’s.  We rode 380 miles.

Sunday, May 8th

On the road today at 7:40 am.  It was 58 degrees but the high would reach 86.  Our route today was Hwy 23 north, 86 east, 39 north, 54 west, and 69 north.

Our group shrunk to 10 riders.  Rob and Chad left at the butt crack of dawn to hurry home.  I slept right through it, which was surprising given the noise generated by Chad’s HD.

We stopped for gas and had breakfast near the junction of Hwys 23 and 86 just across the state line into Missouri.  Our next stop was a break in Stockton, MO.  At this point Chuck left our group to hurry home.  When we reached the intersection of Hwy 54 with Hwy 71 Doug, James, and Larry took off north on 71 towards home.

That left Gary, Bill, Rod, Mel, Carl, and I continuing west on 54 to Ft. Scott, KS and a visit to the local DQ – finally a DQ.Ft. Scott, KSFrom the DQ we all rode home, parting ways at different points in the KC area.  I arrived home about 3:00 pm.  We rode 275 miles today.

It was a fun three-day weekend.  Maestro Gary orchestrated a great ride.  There were no mishaps and the Chicken changed hands only once.  We rode a total of 1,075 miles.  I’m looking forward to next year already.

For more pictures from this ride click on the following link:


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