Solo Ride to Atchison and Beyond

The high today was to reach 50, very good for late December in Shawnee, Kansas. My girlfriend was going shopping and to lunch with a friend. A great time for a ride.

I left Shawnee northbound on I-435. It was 45 degrees. I took Hwy 45 north up through the Missouri River valley. At Hwy  59/273 I turned west and rode across the Missouri River into Atchison, KS. It took me a little under an hour to get there.

I picked up Hwy 7 north, intending to ride to White Cloud and possibly on up to the Nebraska state line. Not too far north of Atchison, however, the temperature dropped to 41, colder than I wanted, so I turned westbound on Hwy 20. In this area north and west of Atchison I could see remnants of snow in fields and ditches.  At Hwy 73 I rode back south and east to Atchison. I stopped at Taco Hell for a lunch of the Triple Steak Stack. I’d ridden 110 miles without stopping.

I rode home southbound on Hwy 7 through Leavenworth and then Hwy 5 south and east to I-435 which brought me on home.

The high temp today during my 175 mile ride was 52. WONDERFUL! No pictures were taken.


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