Colorado; Day 6; June 27, 2012

We left our motel at 8:20 am.  It was another beautiful morning and the temperature was 72 degrees.  We rode north to Dolores and caught Hwy 145 north to Telluride.  It was a beautiful ride with views of mountain peaks, rivers, and lakes.  We were delayed just south of Telluride by a construction zone, which was made bearable by the weather, scenery, and the chatty stop sign lady.stop sign girl

We stopped in Telluride so the ladies could do some shopping.  Imagine our chagrin when the town went dark . . . . no electricity.  We were told some people were stuck on the Telluride, CO

From Telluride we rode north and east (through another construction zone) to Ridgway and had lunch at the True Grit Café . . . . larrapin good food.inside the True Grit Cafe; Ridgway, CO

With full bellies we rode to Ouray for some real shopping, this time there was no blackout. downtown Ouray, CO

The Million Dollar Highway (Hwy 550) took us south to Silverton, where we enjoyed a cup of ice cream from Smedley’s Ice Cream Parlor.  We then rode south to Durango and west to our motel in Mancos.

It was a great ride of 245 miles with BE YOU T FULL scenery.  There were a couple very light periods of rain but the weather was very good.  Our high temp was 87 (in Durango near the end of the ride) and our low was 64 (at the mountain passes).

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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