Ride to Hot Springs; Day 4; September 2nd

Carl and Marge took off for home early this morning.  I know they were still at the motel at 6:10 but I don’t know for sure when they left.  I’m guessing they were on the road by 6:30.

Mel, Trish, Chris, and I rode north out of Hot Springs on Hwy 7 at 8:30.  It was 75 degrees and very humid.  I cleaned up my Goldwing this morning and I was sweating like a pig.

Hwy 7 is a beautiful ride.  This morning, riding the curvy tree lined road, brought this point home nicely.  At one point I was riding along and saw three vehicles approach quickly from the rear.  They were red, yellow, and silver Corvettes.  It was obvious they wanted to haul ass through the twisties so we pulled to the side of the road and let them pass.  The throaty sound of their exhaust as they accelerated past us was impressive.Hwy 7; note the red, yellow, and silver corvettes

We stopped for gas in Russellville, crossed the Arkansas River, and continued north on 7 to Hwy 123.  This highway was also a lot of fun.riding Hwy 123It provided curves galore and even a few hairpin turns.  At one point we came upon a bunch (dozen or so) motorcyclists stopped along the road, and in the ditch.  At first we thought there had been a crash but when we drove by we saw they were just standing around talking.  Before long it sounded like a swarm of bumblebees as they approached from the rear.  They were intent on attacking the hairpin turns at maximum speed.  We let them pass and have their fun.

At Hwy 65 we turned towards Harrison, AR.  We stopped for lunch at the Dixie Café there and were glad to see that Gary and Judy were waiting for us.  We had a great lunch and took off north for Branson.Gary & Judy on Hwy 65

Trish had made reservations for us at the Lynina Inn in Branson (http://lyninainn.com/).  It is a great motel.  The rates are reasonable, the rooms are extremely clean and the staff is very accommodating.  After a long and refreshing dip in the poolLynina Inn pool; Branson, MOwe enjoyed two rounds of golf (Gary and Mel each won one game) and then turned in for the night.

We rode 205 miles today.  The high was 91 but it did not seem as humid in Branson as it had been in Hot Springs.  I received a text from Carl telling me they arrived home safe and sound at 2:20.  That was good news.

For pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/104542123131082631220/Day4RideToHotSprings?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCPzZu9ry2ZHrWw&feat=directlink


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