Perry Lake

WOW, another beautiful day in January. My girlfriend and I decided to ride to lunch and then to Perry Lake located north and east of Topeka.

Lunch was an easy choice. We wanted to stop and visit a good friend, Gary, who recently had knee replacement surgery. He lives in DeSoto, KS so we had lunch at JT’s Grill & Sports Bar., KSJT’s has a larrapin good tenderloin sandwich, which is big enough to split, which we did.

After lunch we rode over to Gary’s, had a good visit and then we took off for Perry Lake. As you can see in the photo the lake is very low. We really need rain/snow.Lake Perry

From Lake Perry we rode east through OskaloosaOskaloosa, KSand then east and north through McLouth and Springdale (don’t blink or you’ll miss it) to Leavenworth. In Leavenworth we stopped at a Casey’s for gas and a bathroom break. Curvy Hwy 5 took us past a portion of the Kansas State Penitentiary to I-435 and home.

Before going home, however, we stopped at our son’s home where his bride fixed us some tater soup and we got to play with our Grandkids.future motorcycle rider

We arrived home at 9:40pm and it was still 68 degrees . . . on January 28th . . . AMAZING!  During this ride of 148 miles we experienced temperatures from 68 to 75. It was a great date-day with my Sweetie-pie.


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