Weston Bend State Park

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon so my sweetie and I decided to ride north to Weston Bend State Park for a little hiking.  We left home at 2:40 under blue clear skies with a temperature of 73.  I-435 on the west side of the KC area took us north into Missouri and Hwy 45 northbound.view along Hwy 45

The park is located off Hwy 45 just south of Weston, MO.  We hiked about an hour on the Weston Bluffs Trail, which was a nice gravel path wide enough for a car.  To our east were the bluffs and to our west was a rail line and the Missouri River.  The only other humanoid we saw was a man on a three wheeled bicycle.  After our hike we rode through the camp ground and saw that all the camping spots except one were occupied or reserved.  It would be full for the memorial day weekend.

I got heated up during the walk so the short ride north to Weston cooled me off nicely.downtown Weston, MO

Finding no ice cream vendors in Weston we were off to Leavenworth, KS and then on to Tonganoxie via back roads.  It was a very nice ride over roads we were quite familiar with.back road between Leavenworth and Tonganoxie

We had a bite to eat and got our ice cream fix at the Sonic in Tonganoxie . . . . . . Sonic in Tonganoxie, KSand then we were off to DeSoto, KS via back roads and Hwy 32 before stopping to visit Chris’ Mom (Rosie) in Shawnee.  Rosie was dancing a jig when I took her picture so she was a bit blurred.Rosie doing a jig (that is why she's blurred)

After a visit with Rosie we rode home as the sun was setting and the moon was rising.  It was a great 105 mile afternoon ride.  You can tell from the pictures that the sky clouded up for awhile but the weather was bueno.  There’s no better way to spend an afternoon.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/5881981695663730145?authkey=CI20nveakIClZQ


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