Run to Colorado Springs

My Aunt Dorothy passed away in Colorado Springs, Colorado on January 28, 2013.  Her memorial service was scheduled for May 31.  Dorothy and my mother were very close sisters and I knew some cousins would be there.  My brother, Carl, and I decided to ride our motorcycles out for the service.

Day 1 Thursday, May 30th

When we departed at 2:00 it had been raining most all day long.  It rained lightly on us as we rode to Olathe but south and west on I-35 it stopped and the skies cleared.  We blasted down to Emporia and stopped on the west side of town for gas and a break.

From Emporia we rode west through Strong City, and Hillsboro . . . . . view from Hwy 150on our way to McPherson, KS.

From McPherson to Ellinwood on Hwy 56 we skirted the south side of some thunderstorms moving across the state.  We felt fortunate to stay dry.storm to our north; on Hwy 56 west of McPherson

At Ness City we stopped for gas and a butt break before we rode on to our evening’s destination, the Best Western motel in Scott City, KS.  We rode 380 miles today and, except for the slightly damp start, it was a nice ride.  It was a bit windy though.

Carl and I walked to dinner at Wendy’s and then watched the Royal’s game on TV.  The Royals were winning when the game was delayed due to rain.  We went to sleep.  The next morning we found out the Royals won, ending a long losing streak.

Day 2 Friday, May 31

We rode west from Scott City at 8:45.  It was 66 degrees and skies were blue.  Wind was from the north.view along Hwy 96; western Kansas

We rode through Leoti, KS and saw the church where our Uncle Richard (brother to Dorothy and our mother) served as a pastor and where he and his family lived for awhile.  I was suffering from rectal-cranial inversion and failed to take pictures.

We intended to stop in Eads, CO for gas but as we rode through on Hwy’s 96 and 59 we saw NO gas stations.  In the next town, Kit Carson, CO, we found one gas pump (no gas station, no attendant, etc).  It worked and that was a good thing as we really needed petrol before pressing on to Colorado Springs.  After a break in Kit Carson . . . . . . . .a break in Kit Carson, COwe rode the long lonesome stretch of Hwy 40 and Hwy 94Hwy 94 westbound; eastern Coloradoto Colorado Springs at the base of Pikes Peak.Pikes Peak

We checked into the Clarion motel where we enjoyed the pool and hot tub before attending the memorial service.  It was a nice celebration of Aunt Dorothy’s life and we really enjoyed visiting with family.  Later that evening we visited with cousin Deb and her husband, Jim, at their home.

We rode about 260 miles today and, again, the weather was good.  The high temp for the day was 72.

Day 3 Saturday, June 1

Carl and I left the motel at 6:45 (51 degrees) and rode to the Omellete Parlor (, where we met Jim for a LARRAPIN good breakfast.  Jim rides a Victory motorcycle and he joined us on the ride to Limon, CO.  It got cloudy and extremely windy.

At Limon, Jim turned around to go home and Carl and I blasted off eastbound on I-70.  It was cloudy and very windy all the way to Colby, KS.  After that we experienced some strong gusts of wind but the wind died down significantly.  We stopped for gas in Colby and for gas and lunch in Salina.  From there we rode on home, including a stretch  through the Flint Hills.I-35 eastbound west of Salina, KS

We arrived home at 6:30.  The high temperature we experienced was 72 so, other than the wicked wind, it was a good day of riding (615 miles).


It was a fun trip (1,255 total miles) and both Carl and I were very glad we attended the memorial service.

For more pictures from this trip click on the following link:


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