ALASKA; Day 21; August 4, 2003

We departed Lincoln at 7:45 under mostly sunny skies with a temperature of 66.  We rode east to Union and south to Nebraska City (should have taken Hwy 2), where we caught Interstate 29 south.  We eventually rode into cloudy skies before we made our last gas stop at Jesse’s Last Stop on the north end of St. Joseph, MO.  It is appropriate that our last stop was at Jesse’s Last Stop.  After refueling we took final pictures of the four petite boys and their machines.

We rode home, with progressively heavier rain from Platte City, MO to Shawnee, KS.  Larry wore his rain suit but it was not enough to ward off the rain.  The rest of us did not stop to put on rain suits because . . . . . we are manly men.

We arrived home at approximately 11:30 after only 215 miles.  It is great to be home and I won’t be longing for a motorcycle ride for a few days.

It was a GREAT trip and I can mark Alaska off my motorcycle ride bucket list.  We rode a total of 9,270 miles (Garmin miles would be a little under 9,000) so we’re calling it a 9,000 mile trip – in 21 days.

We had absolutely NO mechanical problems with our motorcycles, which is a real tribute to the Honda Goldwing model.  Larry did have a right fork seal leak, but that is nothing significant.  Gary had to replace a couple tail lights and Carl wore two holes in the bottom of his trailer (compliments of the Alaska Highway).  Gary’s trailer was slightly damaged by a careless Canadian driver.  I also had to put my spare tire on my trailer due to a defective trailer tire.  Other than that the trip was problem free.

For pictures from today click on the following link:


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