Colorado; August 1, 2014

We had to be out of our cabin/house by 11:00 and we did not rush our departure. I left slightly before the others because I was riding the Goldwing over muddy washboard roads to Hwy 9. Yes, it was cloudy and rainy again this morning.

I made the bumpy ride to Alma and stopped at the Almart General Store ( for a bag of ice. A short time later Eric & fam dropped off Chris. Eric, Molly and the Grands took off north for Breckenridge while Chris and I rode south, headed to Colorado Springs. It was 11:30, 52 degrees and cloudy.DSCN5375

Hwy 9 took us south to Hwy 24 eastbound. We stopped for lunch at the Hungry Bear restaurant in Woodland Park before riding down into the Springs. We did run into some more light rain before reaching the Springs.

After checking into our motel and taking a little walk, we had a visit and dinner with my cousin, Deb, and her hubby, Jim. It was good to visit with them again.

We rode 100 miles today and the high temp was in the upper 60’s, which was attained in Colorado Springs.


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