Lunch Ride to Paradise

Today we rode to lunch with friends Gary, Bill and Jamie.  Our destination was Kelli’s Korner in Paradise, Missouri.  Just where is Paradise?  I checked for Paradise on Google Maps, which showed no such place.  I then checked MapQuest, however, and found it.  It is located on County Road W east of Hwy 169 by Smithville Lake.  It didn’t matter, really, because Bill & Jamie knew the way.

As we rode to Bill and Jamie’s home to start our ride we noticed many beautiful fall colors in Shawnee.  We pulled into our local cemetery to get a pic of some pretty trees.fall colors in a Shawnee cemeteryAfter meeting up with Gary, Bill and Jamie we rode north and east to Paradise.on our way to Paradise

Kelli’s Korner is a grill located in the Paradise General Store, which is a gas station, convenience store and fish tackle store.Paradise, MO They put out some LARRAPIN good grub.  We had burgers, fries, tater tots and fried green beans.  Kelli, the proprietor, is Bill and Jamie’s daughter.kabitzing at Kelli's Korner

As we were preparing to leave, Kelli asked if she could ride along.  Gary was riding single so Kelli rode with him as we took off north on Hwy 169.  At Hwy 116 we turned westbound and rode to Highways 59 and 45 southbound to Weston Bend State Park.  It was beautiful there and we enjoyed the scenic view of the Missouri River and the fall foliage.  Kelli took our picture at the scenic overlook.Bill, JamieLou, Gary, Chris and Charlie @ Weston Bend State Park

We rode south from the park to Hwy 92.  Bill & Jamie and Gary & Kelli turned eastbound headed back to Paradise.  Chris and I continued south on 45 to I-435 and on home.  We had places to go and things to do.

It was a fun ride with great friends, not to mention the LARRAPIN good lunch at Kelli’s Korner.  Chris and I rode 142 miles.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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