Cabin Fever Relief

Today we experienced a pleasant reprieve from the brutally cold temperatures of late.  Temperatures reached the low 60’s. Just what I needed – an opportunity for a little saddle time.

I rode alone north into Wyandotte County where I hopped on K-32 westbound through Edwardsville and Bonner Springs. West of Bonner I rode south on back roads and crossed the Kansas River into De Soto. My plan was to stop at Gary’s to check out the 55 Chevy hotrod he is building. No such luck. He was not home and his garage was locked tight.

IMG_0181I rode back north across the Kansas River and took back roads into Bonner Springs, crossed the river (again) northbound on K-7 into Shawnee and home.

It was a nice little 60 mile ride providing some relief for the cold weather blues.  A January day suited for riding is a good day.



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