Run to the Rockies; Day 1

I’m making a quick run to Colorado to ride in the Rocky Mountains while Chris and her mother are on a trip visiting relatives in Iowa and Illinois.  I couldn’t get any of my friends to go with me so I’m making the trip on my own.

After gassing up this morning I departed Shawnee, KS at about 6:15 and took off westbound on I-70.  It was 75 degrees and cloudy. The clouds hung around until I reached Junction City and then it was mostly sunny until I was east of Hays.DSCN7657

Between Salina and Hays I hit the high temperature for the day at 84 degrees.  Around Hays and then a little later I rode through two very brief and light rain showers.  There was no need to don the rain suit.threatening skies east of Wakeeney, KS

I refueled and had a butt break in Salina and Oakley, KS.  I had lunch at Steak n Shake in Goodland.  It was 70 degrees when I left Goodland and by the time I reached Seibert, Colorado the temp had dipped as low as 66.  This is very unusual for July in western Kansas and eastern Colorado.  Usually it is swamp-butt hot with gale force winds out of the south.  Today those gale force winds were out of the north.lunch in Goodland, KS

In Seibert, CO I refueled again before heading north and west through no-mans land.  I rode through Cope, Anton, Last Chance and Woodrow on my way to Brush.  From there it was Hwy 34 all the way west to Loveland, where I stopped for the day.

A good day of riding; 665 miles.  If you see more mistakes than usual in the blog today it is because my Peach is not here to proofread it for me.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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