Northeast or Bust; Day 18

Another day (morning) on I-70.  We left Warrenton, MO at 7:55.  It was cloudy and 51.  We rode the 205 miles home with two stops along the way.  The high temperature was 59 degrees.  It was cloudy the entire route until we hit Kansas City and then the sun came out.  We were pulling into our garage at 11:45.

It is good to be home.DSCN8309 (2)

So another trip is over, and it was a dandy - to Lubec, ME and back.  Our total mileage was 4,598.  We got to spend time with good friends and see some great sights and a lot of pretty fall foliage.  Thanks to Bill & Jamie for planning and organizing this ride.

No other photos were taken today.


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