Pomme De Terre State Park & Iconium

We left our motel in Ozark, MO shortly after 9:00 and headed north to Pomme De Terre State Park.  It was cloudy and 35 degrees.

Our plan was to walk the Cedar Ridge Trail on the north side of the lake but we arrived two days too late.IMG_1021Access to that part of the park was closed from December through February.  Instead we drove to the boat ramp area, parked the car and walked the park roads in that area.IMG_1024We thought about having a picnic but the water level was too high.  Not to mention the fact that it was brrrr-titty cold.IMG_1023

Before leaving the park I checked the map and planned a route of back roads to Hwy 13 near Lowry City.  I was pleasantly surprised when I realized the route would take us through Iconium, MO.  I recently heard about Iconium from two different people.  It has a general store that also sells food and they are famous for their peach floats.

And so we stopped at Scott’s General Store (also known as Scott’s Iconium Store).IMG_1031Chris bought some greeting cards and a 12-pack of peach Nehi.  I bought a t-shirt and a peach float.  It was LARRAPIN good!IMG_1032 (2)I was told their hamburgers are good too.  Maybe next time.  Our taste buds were set on pizza.

We drove on into Clinton, where we had lunch at the Pizza Glen, before driving home.  The closer we got to home the fewer the clouds and the higher the temperature.  It was mostly sunny and almost 50 when we arrived.  Our trip today covered 220 miles and, again, we had a great time.

For pictures from today click on the following link: https://goo.gl/photos/2p3k9qxiz7tzDzjo6


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