Waterfall & Ice Cream

I recently saw a Facebook post that referred to a web site on waterfalls in Kansas <KansasWaterfalls>. Yesterday, the first of July, Chris and I decided to find the waterfall in Olathe, Cedar Creek Falls. After a little more research I determined that the falls were located at 143rd (Dennis) and Cedar Creek on the north end of Lake Olathe.

We rode west on Dennis and as we crossed Cedar Creek we could see the falls just south of the bridge. Actually, we could not see it when we were westbound but riding back eastbound we saw it. "No Parking" signs along Dennis make it difficult to park and view the falls but we parked illegally just long enough to get a few photos.

The plan when we left home was to enjoy some ice cream at a Dairy Queen in Paola . . . . . . . but Chris was too hungry to wait that long. We rode west and south on back roads into Gardner, where we enjoyed some tots and ice cream at Sonic.

With food in our bellies we rode south around Hillsdale Lake to Paola, circled the square in Paola, and then hustled home on Highways 169 and 7.

It was a very enjoyable ride with a high of 81 and a low of 75. This warm day (which felt cool) was a much needed break from a long streak of hot days we'd been experiencing. A hundred mile ride for a waterfall and some ice cream. Life is very good.


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