Fall Foliage Ride; Day 6

Carl and Marge took off for home this morning so Chris and I were on our own again. At breakfast in the motel I found Scott Shane, a former Shawnee Rotary Club member. It was good talking to him, about important matters like Goldwings and Can-Ams.

We left our motel at 9:00 under clear skies with a temperature of 66. It was another beautiful day. We started riding north on Highway 179, a beautiful route with many hills and curves. Just past I-70 we took Highway 98 into Boonville. In Boonville we walked over the Missouri River on the highway bridge and then on the KATY Bridge, which was formerly a railroad bridge.

Highway 87 took us north out of Boonville and over the river. This route to Glasgow, MO was another winner with hills and twisties, especially the northern half. Along the way we checked out the  Boone's Lick State Historic site. Daniel. Boone discovered salt water springs and creeks here, which his sons turned into a business harvesting and selling salt.

Glasgow, MO is a neat little town on the Missouri River. We stopped here for lunch at the River Bend Family Restaurant. The food was very good but the waitress needed some remedial training. The walls were covered with old photos of Glasgow, some dating back to the early 1900's.

From Glasgow we rode west and south to Arrow Rock. Chris did some shopping and we checked into a B&B. Then we rode west to Marshall to check out the "Jim the Wonder Dog" park and museum, which was recommended to us by Carl and Marge. If half the stories are true Jim really was a wonder dog.

We rode south to I-70, west to exit 89 and north to Blackwater. Nothing there piqued our interest so we rode on north back to Arrow Rock and called it a day. Our mileage for the day was 151 and the high temperature was 86.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 6 Pics


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