Chama, NM and the Wedding

June 10th, 2017: What a beautiful day in Chama, NM! Temperature and humidity was BUENO! We slept in and then met all my cousins for breakfast at the Elk Horn Restaurant about a mile down the road from our motel. Chris and I walked - because we're athletes. On the way we crossed the Rio Chama River.

 Later, around noon, we went to "downtown" Chama and did some shopping.

All of us bought something except for Carl. Well, Carl bought quite a bit for Marge. I bought a sweet new lid for the wedding. Before heading back to our motel we indulged in some ice cream treats for lunch.

To see my pics from Chama click on this link: Chama

After some R&R at the motel we attended the wedding. It was a pretty setting and they had some very good chow afterwards. Again, it was good seeing relatives.

To see the pictures taken at the wedding click on this link: Clay & Ashley's Wedding


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