Pershing State Park and Laclede, MO

This morning Chris and I realized it was going to be a beautiful day so we decided to take advantage of it. For some time now we've been wanting to visit Pershing State Park near Laclede, MO, where there was a boardwalk walking trail through the forest. We decided to go for it. We took off late morning, I-35 north into Missouri and Hwy 36 eastbound. In Chillicothe, MO we stopped at Applebee's for lunch before our walk.

About 20 miles east of Chillicothe on Hwy 139 we entered Pershing State Park and located the Locust Creek Boardwalk and Riparian Trail.
It was a pretty area. During certain times of the year it is a wetlands area, thus the need for the boardwalk. I think we'll make a point to return sometime in a rainy season.

After leaving the boardwalk trail we walked the very short Scout Trail.

We also visited the War Angel statue. The history of the artist is very interesting!

After leaving the park we visited Laclede, MO to see General Pershing's boyhood home.

We arrived back home around 5:30. Our trip covered 263 miles and the high temperature was 50 degrees. In Laclede, MO we were a little over 2.5 hours away from Montrose, IA, which made us think about Deb and Trapper Tim.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Today's Pics


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