Break from Winter; Day 2; Hugoton to Santa Fe

It was a late start today, departing Hugoton at 9:30. It was sunny and 32 degrees. Our route was 56 south and west to Boise City, OK, where we took 325 west then north then west again to the Black Mesa Nature Reserve. Then 325 west into New Mexico, 406 south, 56 west and I-25 south to Santa Fe.

The highest point in Oklahoma is located on the Black Mesa Nature Preserve and you can hike to a monument at that point. The map at the trailhead, however, looked like it would be 4 miles or so to the monument. Which, of course, would mean 4 miles back to the car. We hiked only 1 mile in and turned around. It was good to stretch our legs and get a little exercise.

We saw a lot of cacti along the way.

On I-25 between Springer, NM and Las Vegas, NM we saw several large herds of prong horn antelope. I'm confident we saw 100 or more. No photos were taken because we were trucking down I-25.

We arrived at Cousin Pat's (and Mike's) house at 3:45. Snow was on the ground and it was in the low 40's. The photo below was taken from the back porch of Mike and Pat's house.

Our trip today covered 373 miles.


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