Break from Winter; Day 7; Sierra Vista to Tucson

At 8:00 we left Sierra Vista under sunny skies with a temperature of 41 degrees. Yet another beautiful day. I wonder when our luck will run out. Our route today was Hwy 90 north and I-10 west to Tucson.

On our way up 90 we drove through a Border Patrol checkpoint. They looked into our car briefly, saw two harmless old fogies and waved us through. We could have had an illegal immigrant hid under all the stuff in our back seat.

Our tourist stop for the day was Saguaro National Park East. It was an enjoyable eight mile drive through the park with stops for photos and hiking. I hope you don't overdose on saguaro photos.

One of the interesting things we learned was that young saguaros frequently start growing under "nurse" trees. This photo provides a great example.

While in the park and after our hike the temperature reached 66 so we were able to drive with the top down for the first time this trip.

We had lunch at Viv's Cafe in Tucson. Viv must be a Chief's fan but she doesn't know how to spell. At least she is rooting for the right team!

We gassed up the Poonie, washed her again, and did a little shopping before ending up at the Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort and Spa. This will be our home for three nights. We enjoyed a couples massage and a soak in the hot tub before calling it a night.

Today we drove 107 miles and the high temperature was 74 degrees.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 7


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