Ozark Wandering; Day 2

We departed at about 8:30 and rode a short distance down Highway 5 to have breakfast at a restaurant in Greenview, MO. I think the name of the restaurant was Stewarts. It was a good breakfast. At about 9:40 we were riding south on Hwy 5 again.

Our route today was 5 south, 7 south, 17 south, 32 east, 19 south, 160 west, 63 north, 60 west and 5 north back to the Lake of the Ozarks. I hope I got all that right. We stopped for gas (and butt breaks) twice. It was a beautiful 385 mile day with sun and a high temperature of 80 degrees. All photos were taken from the moving Poonie.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 2 Pics


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