Topeka, BBQ & Evel Knievel

 Brother Carl saw some reasonable weather days on the horizon so he took the opportunity to plan a lunch ride/drive with friends. Carl, Gary and Bill on their Goldwings and me in my Mustang were happy to participate. It had been a long time since we went on a ride together.

We met at a Quik Trip in western Shawnee on Friday, November 20th, at 11:00. After some preliminary BS'ing we took off for Topeka. K-7 north to Bonner Springs, K-32 and Hwy 40 west to Lawrence, Hwy 24 west, Hwy 4 west (mostly south, actually),

 and I-70 west to Topeka and Topeka Harley Davidson. At this one location there is the Harley dealership, their own small motorcycle museum, Black Dog BBQ at Henry's Grill, and the Evel Knievel Museum.

When we arrived the first order of business was lunch at Black Dog BBQ, where we enjoyed average brisket sandwiches and engaging conversation - catching up and solving the world's problems. By the time we strolled around the new Harleys and the museum pieces we didn't feel like there was time to devote to the Evel Knievel museum. That would have to wait until another day.

The route back was Hwy 40 east to Lawrence and K-10 back to the KC area.

I drove 133 miles today. It was 52 degrees when we started and the high temperature was 62. It was an enjoyable lunch trip and, as always, I enjoyed the company of these good friends.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Photos


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