To the Mountains; Day 1

 Chris and I are off for Colorado, where we will rendezvous with Mel, Moyer and their women for some fun in the Rockies. We left home at 8:15. It was 75 degrees and humid. I worked up a sweat just packing the car.

The route today was I-70 westbound from Kansas City to just past Junction City, Hwy 77 north, 18 west through Lincoln and Plainview, Hwy 24 west through Colby, I-70 west to Burlington, Colorado.

As we were approaching the Manhattan exit (#313) on I-70 we passed a cool looking old Chevy. If Gary or Wild Bill were here they could tell me the year and model of this old Chevy.

We stopped for lunch at a hole-in-the-wall looking place called Burgers and Beer in Plainview, KS. I had to try one of their burgers, a double, and I was not disappointed. I had to remove one of the patties so I could get my mouth around the burger. And I could not pass up the tots for a side. It was LARRAPIN good!

As we approached Damar, KS on Hwy 18 we could see a double-steepled church on the horizon so we had to go into town and grab a photo. It was St. Josephs Catholic church - an impressive building.

Near Studley, KS we stopped to get a photo of the Cottonwood Ranch State Historic Site. It was blazing hot so we did not walk around or go inside to check things out. This house was built in the late 1800's by a sheep farmer. To read more you can check out this web site - Cottonwood Ranch SHS.

When I saw on the map that we would go through Studley, KS I had plans for a great photo op. Charlie Clark, the stud, would pose by the "Welcome to Studley" sign. Turns out Studley ain't much at all. We couldn't even find a Studley sign. Just this business on Hwy 24. It is probably good that the photo op didn't materialize. It would have been false advertising after all.

We arrived at our hotel in Burlington, Colorado at 3:05 having driven 435 miles. The high temperature, according to the car, was 100. It was 94 when we got to Burlington.

To see all the photos taken today click here - Day 1 Pics


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