North Carolina - Day 11; 7/19/09; the Final Day

We left Clarksville, AR at 8:00 AM. It was 70 degrees when we took off west on I-40. It appeared to have the makings of a beautiful day.

At Hwy 23 we turned north and took off up the Pig Trail. In the hills the temperature dropped to 64.

North of the Pig Trail we stopped near the junction of Hwy 23 and 127 for a break and so Jamie could put on more clothes. It happened to be by Henderson Creek where Jamie saw some rocks she wanted to take home but, absent heavy equipment, that wasn’t possible.

Further north on 23 we stopped at Fred’s in Holiday Island, AR. Chris wanted to do some shopping.

Hwy 23 took us north into Missouri, to Hwy 86 north, to Hwy 76 east, and to Hwy 39 north. I suffered a severe case of rectal-cranial-inversion near Mt. Vernon, MO and missed a turn to stay on Hwy 39 north. About 7 to 10 miles later I figured out something wasn’t right, stopped, and had a consult with Wild Bill. We turned around and got back on track.

We stayed on 39 north to Stockton where we caught Hwy 32 east, county road M east, and then Hwy 13 north to Collins, MO and Peggy’s Restaurant. The pie was delicious, as always.

From Collins we rode north on 13 to county road B which took us west to where the road was closed due to a bridge being out. We were detoured north to Hwy 52. We rode west on 52 to Hwy 71 north to Kansas City and home.

We rode 400 miles today and the high temperature was 82 – excellent riding.

For more photos from today click on the following link:

Total mileage for the entire trip was 2,500 miles. Can’t wait for the next!


Frank Bryant said…
Great pictures. They make me somewhat envious, but I enjoyed them none the less.

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