The Falken Takes Flight

At noon today, as I was headed out to have lunch with Carl and our dad, I checked the outside thermometer and saw it was already a little over 40 degrees. I thought this would be a good day to give the new Falken car tire on the rear of my GW a test spin. After lunch I had some other commitments (us retired people can get awful busy) so I didn't get a chance to go riding until nearly 5:00. By then the temperature had dropped to 39, according to the temperature indicator on the motorcycle.

I took a short ride out to I-435, north to K-32, west to K-7, south to K-10, east to I-435, north to Johnson Drive, east to Quik Trip for gas, and then home. I only rode 37 miles but I gave the tire a pretty good evaluation. I hit 90 mph with no ill effects. I drug the highway pegs on the ramp from I-435 to K-32 and again from I-435 to Johnson Dr. There was no sliding at all. I had no problem with handling at slow speeds around my neighborhood. It did require that wee bit of a nudge to start it into a turn, but it was not significant at all. I felt comfortable with the handling by the time I reached K-7 highway.

Time will tell regarding mileage. If I can get 20K miles out of this tire I'll be one happy puppy-humper!


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