California Trip; Day 13

After a hearty breakfast at Sargent’s Cafe in Bend, ORDSCN1423a we hit the road eastbound on Hwy 20 at 8:45 am.  It was sunny and 64.

One hundred and thirty miles later we were gassing up in Burns, OR.  Marge got a new doo-rag at the gas station.  She said she picked a pink one so her son, Joe, would not steal it from her.DSCN1429On Hwy 20 between Burns and Vale, OR we ran into a brief delay due to road construction.DSCN1426aOne hundred and twenty miles later we were eating lunch at the Starlite Cafe in Vale, OR.  They had very good vittles, including homemade pies.

We landed for the evening in Mountain Home, Idaho.  We rode 375 miles today.  The high temperature was 93.  The pool at the Hampton Inn felt fantastic.

For more pictures from today click on the attached link:


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