Northward Ho; Day 8; June 17, 2011

We rode away from our cabins north of Seeley Lake, MT at about 10:00 am.  It was cloudy and 48 degrees.  Our route today was Hwy 83 north, Hwy 35 north, and Hwy 2 east into Glacier National Park.

We had lunch at a little hole-in-the-wall café that was in the same building as a Sinclair gas station.  Carl was leading the group so this was his selection for lunch.  Ended up – it was a good place to put on the feed bag.  Everybody said their food was very good.DSCN1512

We checked into a motel across the highway from the café and then rode to the Hungry Horse Dam and Reservoir, which had been recommended by the proprietor of the café.  He said it was second largest dam in the US of A.  It was pretty cool looking.Hungry Horse Dam & Reservoir

We then rode to Glacier National Park.Marge, Trisha, ChrisWhat we could see was beautiful but it was disappointing in two regards.  Number one – Logan Pass was not open due to snow and road repairs.  From the west end we could only go in 16 miles before traffic was stopped.  We could not go high enough to see snow along the road.  Number two – the weather sucked.  It was in the high 40’s and misting or raining much of the time.  Oh well, I’ll complain no longer.  At least I’m not working.

Our illustrious group parted ways as we left Glacier National Park.  Carl and Marge went to the visitor’s center and a couple other places for Marge to shop.  Mel and Trisha returned to the motel to do laundry.  Chris and I returned to the motel to pick up our clothes and then we rode two blocks to do laundry.

We saw some beautiful scenery today but the weather distracted from that a wee bit.  We rode 180 miles today.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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