Key West; Day 6; 4/2/14

Today was a tourist day and we did no riding. We got to sleep in and get rested.

city trolley tourWe started the day by doing a trolley tour of Key West. We learned many interesting things. At one time there was a railroad connecting Key West to mainland Florida. Some of the houses are connected by hurricane rods to help stabilize them during high winds. The last hurricane to hit Key West directly was in 1919. Key West is the driest city in Florida. Key West is known as the 2 X 4 island because it is about two miles wide and 4 miles long. A large portion of Key West was created by filling in a swampy area. The Key Lime pie originated in the Florida Keys. In 1980 Calvin Klein purchased the first one million dollar home in Key West. Harry S. Truman visited Key West frequently. Jimmy Buffet was “discovered” in Key West. Ernest Hemmingway owned a home in Key West.

Cock fighting was once popular in Key West. When it was outlawed people just let their fowl run wild. Now you can see them all over town and nobody owns them but it is illegal to kill them. Some how they are able to forage for food, survive, and multiply.wild chicken in Key West

We enjoyed a margarita in Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville CafĂ©.Jimmy Buffet's Magaritaville in Key West

We walked around downtown and did some shopping. Chris and I had a seafood lunch at Red Fish Blue Fish. While we were eating a bird flew into the restaurant (doors and windows are kept wide open) and walked around like it owned the place. The food was LARRAPIN good. While we enjoyed the seafood Mel and Trisha scored on some pizza.

We checked out an old church. Chris and I had a piece of Key Lime pie. We took photos at the southern most point in the continental United States.DSCN3638

Later in the day Chris and I walked to a nearby beach.Key WestMel and Trisha spent the late afternoon and evening on a snorkeling tour at a coral reef. They were to take a boat one hour (7 miles) out, snorkel for one hour around the reef, and then take a one hour boat ride back. They have not returned so we’ve not heard how that went.

For more pictures click on the following link:


Mel really enjoyed his snorkeling on the coral reef. He said they were 6 miles out and the water was 70 degrees. They had a great time and enjoyed a beautiful sunset. For pictures click on the following link:


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