Moo’s Ashes Ride; Day 1

My Aunt Mary (Dad’s sister -  affectionately known as Aunt Moo) died on January 2nd, 2014, in Santa Fe, NM. She was cremated and there was a memorial service. This weekend her daughters and their families are meeting in El Dorado, KS to bury a portion of the ashes at her husband’s grave site. The rest of her ashes will be spread in places that were special to Aunt Mary. She loved the Flint Hills. Chris and I are joining them.

We left home at 3:40 under mostly clear skies. We knew there was a good chance of rain (scattered showers) for most of the weekend but we decided to ride the motorcycle anyway. Today we rode 186 miles to Wichita. Less than half of the ride was in rain of varying amounts. We stopped to put our rain suits on, though, so it was good. It was 84 when we left and then dropped to 66 in the rain.

We arrived in Wichita before 7:00 and stayed at a Best Western, where we took advantage of reward points to score a free room. Tomorrow we back track about 30 miles to El Dorado to meet up with my cousins.

Hopefully it doesn’t rain the entire weekend.


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