CO NM UT; Day 2; September 21st, 2014

We left Garden City at 8:30.  It was 61 degrees and partly cloudy.

Our first stop was a hop, skip and jump down Old US Hwy 50 in Holcomb, KS.  In November of 1959 Herb Clutter, his wife and two of their children were killed in their farm home on the outskirts of Holcomb.  It is the case on which the book “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote was based. Ever since reading the book 5 years ago (or so) I’ve wanted to see the area.  Today I did.  The home is located down a long private drive so the picture of the home was taken from the street.  While we were there a man from Texas stopped to do the same thing.the old Clutter farm home and out buildings

Our next tourist stop was at Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site near LaJunta, CO.  The National parks folks rebuilt the fort on its original Bent's Old Fort

We drove south of La Junta to a canyon we wanted to see but when we arrived we found that it was accessed by a gravel road.  So we passed.

We rode from La Junta to Walsenburg and on to Monte Vista.  Our lodging for the evening was the Movie Manor.  The Best Western motel has a drive-in movie theater next door.  All the motel rooms have picture windows looking out to the movie screen and sound is wired into the rooms.  After dinner at an on-site restaurant we retired to our rooms and enjoyed the movie (Dolphin Tail 2).Movie Manor; Monte Vista, CO

A good day of riding (355 miles) with a high temperature of 79.  Colorado is a beautiful place to ride motorcycles.  I’m not feeling well and running a fever but all else is great.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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