CO NM UT; Day 8; September 27th, 2014

Pikes Peak was in our rear-view mirror as we left Colorado Springs at 8:00.  It was 63 degrees under blue skies.  This was the second consecutive morning that we saw a hot air balloon in the air balloon over Colorado Springs

We piloted the beasts east on Highways 94 and 40 to Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, where we refueled and took a butt break.  Then it was on into Kansas.Page City, KS elevator on Hwy 40The first 110 miles east of Colorado Springs were fantastic but after that a brutal wind started out of the south.  At several locations dust was blowing across the highway.  The following location was on Highway 40 west of Oakley, KS:dust blowing across Hwy 40 west of Oakley, KSThis was on Interstate 70 east of Oakley:dust blowing across Interstate 70 east of Oakley, KS

We refueled and ate lunch at the truck stop located just east of Oakley, at I-70 and 40 Highway.  We stopped for frozen custard at Freddy’s in Hays.  Our lodging for the night was in Russell at a Days Inn.

We rode 333 miles today and the high temp was in the mid 80’s.  All the pictures I took are shown above.  If you want to see them larger, click on them.

Tomorrow we should arrive back home.


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