Arizona Trip; Day 6 (Mesa, AZ to Silver City, NM)

We departed our motel in Mesa, AZ at 8:45 under clear skies with a temperature of 66. It started good . . . . but then I was leading today and got all mixed up with my directions and map reading so it took longer than it should have to locate Hwy 60 eastbound out of town.

Then we wound up on the route from hell. Hwy 88 goes north and east out of Apache Junction and shows to be a scenic route up to Hwy 188 near Roosevelt. Hwy 188 then goes south and east back down to Hwy 60. When Carl and I were doing our route planning over a slab of ribs it looked like an interesting option. It started out slow due to traffic and speed limits. We stopped at the Canyon Lake Vista for some photos.
Hwy 88 ended up getting very slow, rough, bumpy and dusty when the pavement ended. The last 20 plus miles were on unpaved road. The end result was a very slow start to the day.

It was well past lunch time when we finally arrived back on pavement at Hwy 188. Chris noticed a sign saying food was available in Roosevelt. We drove a mile off of 188 down into town. It was a good find as we had LARRAPIN good burgers at Ma's Kitchen. A sign inside says "no one leaves hungry" and we didn't.

Due to the lost time we changed our route and didn't get to see the Catwalk National Scenic Trail. We traveled through Globe, Safford and Three Way in Arizona on our way into New Mexico. We stopped for the night (it was almost dark) in Silver City. Perhaps we'll try to catch the Catwalk National Scenic Trail tomorrow.

The high temperature today was 84.

 total miles today:   312
trip miles to date: 1,808

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 6 Photos


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