Smokies Run; Day 1

Good friend, Bill, planned this motorcycle trip. Bill rode his Honda Goldwing, accompanied by fellow Goldwingers Gary, John, Tim, Larry, Bruce and my brother, Carl. Bill invited me to tag along in my Ford Mustang GT.

The plan was to depart at 8:00 AM but, due to morning showers, it was delayed to 10:00 AM. We traveled secondary highways from the Kansas City area to Hardy, AR traveling 384 miles. The high temperature was 88 degrees and it was very humid. We had a good lunch at Honey B's Bakery and Cafe near Camdenton, MO.

The power (and the air conditioning) went out in our motel that night at 10:00 PM and didn't come back on until 2:00 AM. Fortunately the storm that took out the power also brought in a cool front so it wasn't too bad.

To see more photos taken today click on the following link: Day 1 Photos


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