Smokies Run; Day 3

We rode/drove away from Jasper, AL at 8:30 AM. It was 65 and cloudy but clouds soon gave way to sunshine. After a short distance down the road we arrived at our big stop for the day - the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum in Birmingham, AL. They have an impressive building with four floors of motorcycles and cars on display.
There is also a race track on the grounds that was being used by crotch rocket racing type motorcycles. It was interesting to watch.

After some Alabama BBQ (not as good as KC BBQ)
we traveled on to Dahlonega, GA, where we holed up in a Holiday Inn Express for the night. We rode 267 miles today and the last 80 miles included scenic curves, hills, and tree shaded highway with 80 degrees and low humidity. It was beautiful. The high temperature today was 86.

For all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 3 Photos


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