Pacific Northwest II; Day 11

We started the morning in Price, UT and ended the day in Colorado Springs, CO; a 462 mile drive. It was 33 degrees when we left and it was in the 30’s when we arrived in the Springs. Our route was Hwy 6 south from Price to I-70 eastbound into Colorado. At Grand Junction we departed the interstate taking Hwy 50 eastbound. Hwy 285 took us north from Poncha Springs and at Hwy 24 we drove east to Colorado Springs.

We stopped briefly at an I-70 visitor’s center in Fruita, CO.

We enjoyed a lunch of Chinese food at the Panda Palace in Montrose, CO before driving on to Gunnison. Blue Mesa Reservoir was extremely low. 
We gassed up the Sport in Gunnison before heading over Monarch Pass. There was quite a bit of snow at the pass but Hwy 50 was clear and dry. The mountain views from Monarch Pass to Colorado Springs are why I love driving in Colorado.

Click on this link to see all the photos taken today: Day11Pics


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