Pacific Northwest II; Day 13

We left Goodland, KS at 9:20 central time and it was 29 degrees under blue clear skies. We drove east on I-70 to Abilene, where we had a lunch of fried chicken plus fixins at the Brookville Hotel (LARRAPIN GOOD FRIED CHICKEN). We've tried eating here multiple times before but couldn't because they were closed or we didn't want to wait the necessary amount of time. Today we walked right in and had lunch. It was very good and we brought home left-over chicken for another meal.

The Brookville Hotel had a small gift shop in the lobby and Chris took advantage for a few Christmas gifts. Also, while at the hotel, I used my iPhone app to increase the temperature on our home thermostat so it would be nice and toasty when we arrived. It was the first time I used it away from home - and it worked.

Back on I-70 eastbound, headed for home, we were listening to the K-State football game against KU. Just as we passed the exit for Manhattan the Wildcats sealed the win but it was close all the way. We made a stop for gas before arriving back in Shawnee and we did a little grocery shopping before going home.

No photos were taken today.

We drove 405 miles today. Good to be home but we sure like traveling. Our total mileage this trip was 4,515 through Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah. GREAT trip. Life is good.


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