Spring Break; Day 3

We left our hotel in West Helena, AR at 8:15. It was mostly sunny and 49 degrees. A beautiful start to the day!

Highway 49 was our route east across the Mississippi River and then south through the state of Mississippi. As was the case yesterday, we saw a lot of standing water.
Rivers (including the Mississippi) and streams were out of their banks. The Yazoo River at Greenwood, MS was way out of its banks.

The Tchula, MS police had a road block working on the highway through town. All vehicles were stopped, drivers licenses were checked, and they made sure vehicles had license plates.

The tourist activity today was a visit to the state capitol building in Jackson, MS. The roads in Jackson on the way to the capitol were horrendous. It was like a war zone with big craters in the road. At the capitol we just walked around the grounds and took photos. We couldn't go inside because it was closed.

Before leaving Jackson we stopped for a gourmet lunch at Whataburger!
The top went down on the Mustang for the rest of the trip to Biloxi, MS.

We stopped for gas in Hattiesburg at a gas station with a Stuckeys. So Marge scored a pecan log.

As we were driving between Hattiesburg and Biloxi the temperature reached 84 degrees. Chris checked the temperature at home and it was 41. It made us glad we were traveling. We arrived at our hotel in Biloxi at 5:10, where it was 72 degrees. A fog hung over the gulf however, so we didn't get to enjoy that view. We drove 360 miles today.
parked in the hotel parking lot - that is the Gulf of Mexico shrouded in fog in the background

Chris and I took a stroll along the fog covered beach in the dark after doing a load of laundry. Another great day.

Click on the following link to see all the photos taken today: Day 3 Pics


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