Spring Break; Day 6

A great day for sight-seeing! We left Greenville, AL at 8:30. It was sunny and 60 degrees.

We buzzed north on I-65 to Montgomery, where we visited the Alabama Capitol building, the Civil Rights Memorial and the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church (where Martin Luther King was pastor from 1954 to 1960). Actually, Carl and Marge visited the Civil Rights Memorial and Chris and I visited the Baptist Church. All of it was very interesting.

From Montgomery we traveled north on 231 and 9 to Goodwater, where we had a BBQ lunch.

After lunch we were northbound again on 9 and 431 to Gadsden, AL, where we arrived at about 3:15. After checking in at our hotel we drove a few miles to see Noccolula Falls. The falls were named for a native American princess who committed suicide near the falls (Legend of Noccalula). That is Black Creek running over the falls.

We traveled 213 miles today and our high temperature was 78. BEAUTIFUL day!

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 6 Photos


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