AZ / UT Day 4; Winslow to Page

It was sunny and 60 degrees when we left Winslow, AZ headed to the Grand Canyon. It was also extremely windy, so the tops stayed up. Our route was I-40 west, and Hwy 180 north at Flagstaff.

Our first stop of the day was at MeteorCrater. And the wind was brutal. It was very difficult to hold the camera still.

On the drive from I-40 to Meteor Crater we encountered some wildlife along the road.

We had Mexican for lunch in Flagstaff and then headed north on 180. As we climbed in elevation we experienced rain, sleet, and snow. Temperatures dropped as low as 34 degrees . . . . brrrr-titties!

We arrived at Grand Canyon National Park, where it was mostly sunny and in the 50's. We rode the park buses to many different view points and enjoyed the amazing views.

It was dark and in the 40's when we left Grand Canyon National Park at 8:30. Highways 64 east and 89 north took us to Page, AZ, where we arrived at about 10:30. Due to weather the tops stayed up all day long.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 4 Pics


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