AZ / UT Day 5; Page to Cannonville

It was sunny and 57 degrees when we left our hotel in Page, AZ at 9:15. Our route for the day would be Highway 89 north and 12 east (or north?).

We found a gas station before heading a short distance down the highway to the Glen Canyon Dam. Lake Powell was still very low.

We had a great lunch at Houston's Trail's End Restaurant in Kanab, UT, which is a pretty town.

Our next stop was Bryce Canyon National Park. It was cloudy with light rain during our visit but we enjoyed the views anyway.

From Bryce it was a short distance east and south to Cannonville, where we stopped at the Grand Staircase Inn for the night. It was a nice little mom and pop hotel.

Today was a short mileage day - 173 miles.

To view all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 5 Photos


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