Leaf Peeping

Last week I received a tip from a friend, Joni, that this week the changing leaves in Hiawatha, Kansas would be at their peak. Chris and I intended to check it out but our schedule got in the way. Due to morning and early evening commitments and stops along our route we ended up with too little time. We made it as far as Atchison before we headed back home.

We took I-435 north out of Shawnee into Missouri and Hwy 45 north, which ends up in the Missouri River valley with bluffs to the east. We made a slow drive through part of Farley, MO and saw a tree or two.

There was some color in the bluffs, but not as much as we would have liked.

At Weston Bend State Park we saw some pretty fall color but the scenic view point overlooking the Missouri River was pretty much void of color.

(Weston Bend State Park)

At Hwy 59 we turned west and crossed the Missouri River into Atchison, KS.

(as you can see, not much color along the river)

In Atchison we enjoyed a lunch at Sonic before we explored the town and the campus of Benedictine College, where we saw some pretty fall foliage. In Atchison I always enjoy the road and the park along the Missouri River.

From Atchison we hopped on Hwy 73 (also known as Hwy 7) southbound to Leavenworth. At the south end of Leavenworth we turned east and south on Hwy 5, which took us to I-435 south back home to Shawnee. We drove only 115 miles today but had a good top-down drive with some pretty fall foliage. The skies were clear blue and our high temperature was 74.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Photos


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