Tex-Mex Spring Break Tour; Day 7

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wife, girlfriend and best friend!  We won't mention her age 😎

Our day started at 8:00 this morning under clear skies with a temperature of 34.  We traveled south on I-25 a short distance to exit 139, where we went east on 380

to the Valley of Fires Recreation Area (just west of Carrizozo, NM).  The Valley of Fires is a lava flow created 2,000 to 5,000 years ago, making it one of the youngest lava flows in the U.S.A.  The lava did not come from a volcano but from extrusions in the earth's crust.  This lava flow is 160 feet deep.

 A nature trail through the lava flow was very interesting and enjoyable.  In the photo below Carl and Chris are checking out a crevice in the flow.

From Carrizozo we turned north on eastbound Hwy 54, which took us to Vaughn, where we took 60 eastbound.  Just east of Vaughn we spotted antelope.  Denah was able to capture this shot from their moving vehicle.

Further east on 60 at Fort Sumner, NM we stopped for lunch at the Rodeo Grill before continuing east on 60 to 272 south to the grave of Billy the Kid.

Returning to Hwy 60 we traveled east to Taiban, NM, where 252 and 209 took us north to Tucumcari, NM, our destination for today.  Our route today covered 310 miles and our high temperature was 66.  My Mustang GT made 29.7 mpg today, which is AMAZING!

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 7 Photos


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